ag百家乐老板 简明理会以当今分词为宾补的20个动词


感官动词: 感官动词(如see、hear、watch、notice、observe等)背面接宾语和当今分词,泄露主语看到或听到某东谈主或某物正在进行某个行为或景况。

举例:I saw him running in the park.(我看见他在公园里跑步。)

使役动词: 有些动词如keep、have、get等背面接宾语和当今分词,泄露使某东谈主或某物处于某个景况或捏续作念某事。

举例:She has her children cleaning their rooms every day.(她让她的孩子每天打扫他们的房间。)


1. bring sb. doing sth. 引起某东谈主作念某事

例句:The delicious smell of cookies baking brought the kids running into the kitchen.(烤饼干的香味引来了孩子们跑进了厨房。)

注:bring sb. to do sth. 短语也存在。bring sb. to do sth. 更侧重于某事领导/导致(某个行为发生);bring sb. doing sth.泄露领导/导致某个行为还是发生。

2. catch sb. doing sth. 碰上(撞上)某东谈主作念某事

例句:I caught my brother eating the cake I hid in the fridge.(我撞见我哥哥在吃我藏在雪柜里的蛋糕。)

3. discover sb. doing sth. 发现某东谈主作念某事

例句:She discovered her daughter painting on the walls.(她发现她女儿正在墙上涂鸦。)

4. feel sb. doing sth. 嗅觉某东谈主作念某事

例句:He felt his heart pounding as he approached the edge of the cliff.(当他走近陡壁边时,他感到我方的心怦怦直跳。)

注:feel sb. do sth. 短语也存在。feel sb. do sth. 泄露单一行为;feel sb. doing sth. 泄露正在进行中的行为。

5. find sb. doing sth. 发现某东谈主作念某事

例句:I found my dog sleeping on the couch.(我发现我的狗睡在沙发上。)

看重与find sb. to do sth的分离(含义不同):

Find sb. to do sth 事理是找到某东谈主作念某事:

比如:I need to find someone to fix the leaky faucet.(我需要找东谈主来修理漏水的水龙头。)

find sb. doing sth. 发现某东谈主作念某事。比如:

I found my brother playing the guitar.(我发现我哥哥在弹吉他。)

6. get sb. doing sth. 使得某东谈主作念某事

例句:She got her kids cleaning their rooms. (她使得孩子们清算房间。)

对比:get sb. to do sth. 让某东谈主去作念某事

She got her kids cleaning their rooms. (她使得孩子们清算房间。)(泄露领导”)

这句话强调的是她收受的行径或表情导致孩子们启动清算房间。这里的 got 示意了某种法子或表情,可能是通过饱读吹、请示或其他表情领导孩子们去作念清算房间的事情。

She got her kids to clean their rooms. (她让孩子们清算房间。)(泄露号令”)


7. have sb. doing sth. 使某东谈主作念某事

例句:She had her brother helping with the chores.(她让她哥哥襄理作念家务。)

对比:have sb. do sth. 使某东谈主作念某事

She had her brother helping with the chores.” 这句话示意她让她的兄弟在某段技艺内一直在襄理作念家务,强调的是一个捏续性的行为。而She had her brother help with the chores.” 这句话更倾向于泄露某个具体的技艺点或事件,她让兄弟襄理作念家务的步履发生了,但莫得强调此步履的捏续性。

8. hear sb. doing sth. 听见某东谈主正在作念某事

例句:I heard my neighbor singing loudly last night.(昨晚我听到邻居在高声唱歌。)

对比:hear sb. do sth. 听见某东谈主正在作念某事

I heard my neighbor singing loudly last night. 这个句子示意我听到了我的邻居在昨晚高声唱歌,这可能是一个捏续的行为或正在进行的行为。

I heard my neighbor sing loudly last night. 这个句子更倾向于抒发我昨晚听到邻居唱歌了,强调的是阿谁特定的俄顷或事件,而不一定意味着行为正在进行中或是捏续性的。

9. keep sb. doing sth. 使某东谈主陆续地作念某事

例句:例句:She kept her son practicing the piano for an hour every day. (她让她犬子每天锻真金不怕火钢琴一个小时。)

看重:不存在keep sb. to do sth.这个用法。

10. listen to sb. doing sth. 听某东谈主正在作念某事

例句:She listened to her friend singing a beautiful song.(她听着她一又友唱了一首玄妙的歌。)

对比:listen to sb. do sth. 听某东谈主正在作念某事

She listened to her friend singing a beautiful song.泄露一又友正在唱一首玄妙的歌曲时,她在听,强调了唱歌这个行为正在进行。

She listened to her friend sing a beautiful song.泄露她听一又友演唱一首玄妙的歌曲,凯时AG百家乐莫得强革新作正在进行。

11. look at sb. doing sth. 看着某东谈主作念某事

例句:I looked at my brother dancing in the party.(我看着我哥哥在派对上舞蹈。)

看重:不存在 look at sb. do sth. 这个短语

12. notice sb. doing sth. 看重到某东谈主作念某事

例句:He noticed his daughter drawing on the wall.(他看重到他女儿在墙上画画。)

看重:不存在 notice sb. do sth. 这个短语

13. observe sb. doing sth. 不雅察某东谈主作念某事

例句:She observed her students deliver outstanding speeches.(她不雅察到她的学生们作念了精彩的演讲。)

相比:observe sb. do sth. 不雅察某东谈主作念某事:

She observed her students deliver outstanding speeches. 泄露她不雅察到学生们在作念演讲,即演讲的这个行为,而不彊调演讲这个正在进行的行为。

She observed her students deliver outstanding speeches. 泄露她不雅察到学生们在进行演讲的经由中,强调的是演讲这个正在进行的行为。

14. see sb. doing sth. 看见某东谈主作念某事

例句:I saw my sister running in the park.(我看到我妹妹在公园跑步。)

相比:see sb. do sth. 看见某东谈主作念某事

I saw my sister running in the park. 我看到了我的姐姐正在公园里正在跑步。

I saw my sister run in the park. 我看到了我的姐姐在公园里跑步。


15. send sb. doing sth. 派某东谈主去正在作念某事

例句:He sent his friend searching for the missing keys.(他派他的一又友去找丢失的钥匙。)

相比:send sb. doing sth. 派某东谈主去作念某事

He sent his friend to search for the missing keys”泄露他嘱咐一又友去寻找丢失的钥匙,这里强调的是被嘱咐去作念一项任务。

He sent his friend searching for the missing keys”中的sent ... searching for”泄露嘱咐一又友去寻找丢失的钥匙,一又友正在进行搜寻。这个句子更强调的是在实际任务的经由中的景况。

16. set sb. doing sth. 使(引起)某东谈主作念某事

例句:The loud noise set the baby crying.(庞大的杂音让婴儿哭了起来。)

看重:不存在set sb. to do sth.这个用法。

17. start sb. doing sth. 使某东谈主启行为念某事

例句:The music started everyone dancing at the party.(音乐让每个东谈主在派对上舞蹈起来。)

看重:不存在start sb. to do sth.这种用法。

18. watch sb. doing sth. 不雅察某东谈主正在作念某事

例句:She watched her husband cooking dinner in the kitchen.(她看着她丈夫在厨房作念晚餐。)

相比:watch sb. do sth. 不雅察某东谈主作念某事

She watched her husband cook dinner in the kitchen. 泄露她不雅看丈夫在厨房作念晚餐的,仅为述说不雅看一个行为,不彊革新作的正在进行。

She watched her husband cooking dinner in the kitchen. 泄露她不雅看丈夫正在进行作念晚餐的步履,强革新作正在进行。

19. prevent sb. doing sth. 阻截某东谈主作念某事

He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs.


We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening.


Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing


The rain prevented them from eating outdoors.


The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself.


This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs.


Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.


Nothing would prevent him/his speaking out against injustice.


20. stop sb. (from)doing sth. 阻截某东谈主作念某事

You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.


What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people?


You can't stop people from saying what they think.


You can't stop people saying what they think.



stop doing sth 住手正在作念的事情

Stop to do sth停驻正在作念的某事去作念另外一件事

She stopped reading and closed the book .


Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong.


I stopped to read the notices on the bulletin board .


She doesn't stop to think about what she's saying


People just don't stop to think about the consequences.


We had to stop to fix a flat.


Whoever passes here would stop to admire the scenery.


Never stop to ask how long it will take to learn it.


Though they were very tired, they didn't stop to have a rest.

