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发布日期:2025-01-25 14:19    点击次数:155
新刊专访! 屡获盛誉的海尔盘算总监 Federico Ferrett 揭秘:初入行的年青盘算师若念念真的影响寰宇,究竟需要什么?🗞️✨ Federico 不仅是iF评委——其持掌的海尔高端品牌卡萨帝(Casarte)更是2025年iF学生盘算奖 的补助企业ag百家乐网址,ag百家乐积分有什么用该奖项线上评比现已初始! 在咱们的官网上阅读他的冷漠! - In our freshest magazine interview, multi-award-winning Haier’s Federico Ferretti tells what young designers at the beginnings of their careers really need – if they want to make an impact. 🗞️✨ Federico is not only an iF juror – Haier’s brand Casarte is also a sponsor of the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD, where the Online Jury just started! Read his tips! iF 盘算 iF盘算奖 iF学生盘算奖 卡萨帝 海尔 盘算灵感ag百家乐网址

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