AG百家乐到底是真是假 逐日单词: bestow
发布日期:2024-04-19 19:57 点击次数:70AG百家乐到底是真是假
英 [bɪ'stəʊ] 好意思 [bɪ'stoʊ]
① 《纽约时报》, 2023-11-05
The university plans to bestow an honorary degree on the renowned scientist.
② 《经济学东说念主》, 2023-10-12
The foundation will bestow grants to researchers working on climate change solutions.
① 《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights), 艾米莉·勃朗特, 1847
Heaven did not seem to bestow its favors on the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights.
② 《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield), 查尔斯·狄更斯, 1850
The generous uncle bestowed a small fortune on David, ensuring his future.
◉Usage Examples
(1) The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.
(2) He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.
(3) The surgeon bestowed eyesight on my blind son.
(4) Bestow less time on daydreaming.
(5) He did not bestow one thought on his dead father.
(1) 奖品授给了优越者。
(2) 他但愿将那些伟大的荣誉授予这位好汉。
(3) 外科大夫给了我的盲东说念主犬子观念。
(4) 少花时间癞蛤蟆思吃天鹅肉吧。
(5) 他思王人莫得思过,他过世的父亲。
◉Usage Notes
When you present an honor or gift to someone, you bestow it, which is the same as giving it, but often classier and more respectful.
Bestow comes from the Middle English stowen, "to place." Placing something really valuable or honoring in the hands of another, or conferring a position of responsibility on them, is to bestow it. For example, "She gave her teacher a ceramic apple she had made, knowing that her whole class would bestow the big honor of Teacher of the Year later that day," or, "The king praised her for working with the poor, and he would later bestow the medal of honor on her in a ceremony."
1. [VERB 动词]赐与;赠与;授予;赐予 To bestow something on someone means to give or present it to them. [V n on/upon n] [Also V on/upon n n] [FORMAL 讲求]
The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.