发布日期:2024-07-26 12:19 点击次数:175
Medical Gas Research
Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2025
阅读论文原文▼点击下划线网址https://journals.lww.com/mgar/pages/contributorindex.aspx?year=2025&issue=06000&cid=eToc Issues.2025-mgar-01612956-202506000-00000&rid=E_0000000005251820&TargetID=&EjpToken=W75h95ZSjw7oXP53_2dlFSeA246r4DArSH9CpN42sf_jnwcigI2-SIm_VK0yNrCmYsvCNePG2uH-Tf_zfd8&mkt_tok=NjgxLUZIRS00MjkAAAGYIadchFxLcFsfazFappI89szcBeCkIcCumh0sInggznmF8USdqGxLMm2GGHY34Voa7R7u3ZAJ_4rZKU7XfcS7KHrZxSIEtvZCZ1_soPNTYy5ogWGXvww
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本期共发表30篇著作,包括:15篇 Perspective、10篇 Review、5篇 Article。鉴识来自澳大利亚、意大利、法国、西班牙、英国、好意思国、中国等16个国度。
Risks of perturbed oxygen homeostasis: responses and adaptations to hyperoxia and hypoxia
Johannes Burtscher, Tobias Dünnwald, Martin Faulhaber, Wolfgang Schobersberger, Michele Samaja, Martin Burtscher, Martin Kopp
Hydrogen: an advanced and safest gas option for cancer treatment
Nishant Gupta, N. S. Abd EL-Gawaad, L. O. Mallasiy, Saad Alghamdi, Virendra Kumar Yadav
Exploring the nexus between medical gases and ion channel function: implications for therapeutic innovation
Chitaranjan Mahapatra
Effects of ozone treatment on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a promising research area
Bernardino Clavo, Angeles Cánovas-Molina, Carla García-Lourve, Sara Cazorla-Rivero, Mario Federico, Francisco Rodríguez-Esparragón
Non-invasive detection of early-stage lung cancer through exhaled breath volatile organic compound analysis
V A Binson, Sania Thomas, M Subramoniam
Restoring nitric oxide production using dietary inorganic nitrate: recent advances on cardiovascular and physical performance in middle-aged and older adults
Cicero Jonas R. Benjamim, Leonardo da Silva Gonçalves, Leonardo Santos Lopes da Silva, Carlos Roberto Bueno Júnior
Piezocatalysis for gas generation and disease therapy
Qinyu Zhao, Songjing Zhong, Linlin Li
Phototherapy for carbon monoxide poisoning: origins, innovations, and future directions
Luca Zazzeron
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in cardiovascular disease: a gaseous solution
William Durante
Direct generation of 1O2 in living tissues for the treatment of brain diseases
Oxana Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya
A theoretical model for ozone therapy in depression treatment: enhancing metabotropic glutamate signaling through controlled oxidative stress
Daniele Romanello, Mauro Martinelli
Medical gas therapy in human diabetic wound healing
Xin Yee Foo, Lai Kuan Lee
Nanobubbles: a bridge connecting nanomedicine and gas medicine
Qianqian Xiao, Qingwei Jia, Muhammad Inam, Quanyu Chen, Xiao Sun
Integration of IoT into medical gas monitoring management systems contributes to enhancing safety and operational efficiency
Chitaranjan Mahapatra
Respiratory frequency: from health to sports performance monitoring
Adriano Di Paco, Roberto Cannataro
Latanoprostene bunod: the first nitric oxide-donating antiglaucoma medication
Ghazaleh Soltani, Wesam Shamseldin Shalaby, Reza Razeghinejad
Evaluation of the potential efficacy of the nitric oxide donor molsidomine for the treatment of schizophrenia
Nikolaos Pitsikas
Xenon gas as a potential treatment for opioid use disorder, alcohol use disorder, and related disorders
Marc J. Kaufman, Edward G. Meloni
Sevoflurane and its metabolic byproduct compound A induce nephrotoxicity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies
Intek Hong, Kevin D. Bigam, Brie M. McConnell, Timur J. P. Özelsel, Rakesh V. Sondekoppam
Theoretical evaluation of the biological activity of hydrogen
Grace Russell
Heme oxygenase/carbon monoxide system affects the placenta and preeclampsia
Vicki L. Mahan
Advancing extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal technology: bridging basic science and clinical practice
Sergio Lassola, Denise Battaglini, Silvia De Rosa
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cardiovascular surgery
Dongchenlei Wang, Mo Liu, Shaoting Jia, Zichuan Tian, Jing Yang, Xuehua Liu
Potential therapeutic applications of medical gases in cancer treatment
Abbas Al Bazzal, Bassel H. Hoteit, Mariam Chokor, Abdallah Safawi, Zahraa Zibara, Fatima Rizk, Aya Kawssan, Naseeb Danaf, Layal Msheik, Hiba Hamdar
Recent advances in medical gas sensing with artificial intelligence–enabled technology
Chitaranjan Mahapatra
Research Article(扣问原著)
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity syndrome after brain injury: a multicenter, retrospective cohort study
Hong Wang, Yujing Li, Songying Shen, Xin Li, Changhe Li, Yihao Li, Huimin Chen, Caihong Ren, Yinsen Song, Yao Tang, Huijun Dong, Meng Zhao, Sisen Zhang, Hongyu Wang
Impact of a high inspired oxygen fraction on oxidative stress in pediatric patients: reassuring results based on a randomized trial
Ting Li, Ying Han, Xiaodie Zhang, Jialian Zhao, Yaojun Suo, Yaoqin Hu
H2 protects H9c2 cells from hypoxia/reoxygenation injury by inhibiting the Wnt/CX3CR1 signaling pathway
Jingsheng Wang, Bin Ma, Xue Jiang, Chao Li, Zhaochen Lin, Yumei Wang, Jingfei Shi, Gang Wang, Chao Cui
Association between ethylene oxide exposure and osteoarthritis risk mediated by oxidative stress: evidence from NHANES 2013–2020
环氧乙烷泄露与骨要道热风险之间的关联是由于氧化应激介导:来自NHANES 2013-2020的凭证
Xinyue Yang, Jianwen Wang, Chengcheng Wei, Jia Tian, Lizhao Yan, Qishun Huang
Ozone therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a literature visualization analysis of research hotspots and prospects
Qing Liu, Jian Liu, Guanglei Cao, Yuan Liu, Ye Huang, Xieyuan Jiang
Medical Gas Research (MGR) 《医学气体扣问》杂志(https://www.medgasres.com/),是一册专注医学气体与东说念主体健康及有关疾病扣问的经同业评议的海外绽开得到期刊,季注销版。创刊于2011年,主编为好意思国Loma Linda大学John H. Zhang教练。杂志现在已被多个海外伏击数据库收录,包括MEDLINE/Index Medicus 数据库、Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI 新兴资源引文索引)/Web of Science数据库、PubMed/PubMed Central全文数据库、SCOPUS数据库等。2024年最新JCR影响因子:3.0,ag百家乐老板位于MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL畛域Q2区。最新CiteScore:5.1,位于Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine畛域Q1区。期刊影响力得到海外认同,成为医学气体畛域海外同业翻新性扣问服从的伏击展示平台,更是医学气体科研职责者海外学术疏通的伏击渠说念。MGR稳步鼓动期刊的海外化,并疼爱编委、作家、审稿东说念主军队的海外化。但愿MGR杂志飞速成长为医学气体扣问及转狡诈欺畛域有海外学术影响力有言语权的伏击学术期刊!
- 医学气体与生物材料扣问;
- 医学气体与肿瘤扣问;
- 活性氧、氧气、单态氧、一氧化氮、氧化二氮、臭氧、氢气、过氧化氢、硫化氢、氩气、氦气、氮气、氧化氮、氙气、压缩空气、混杂气体与生命科学、东说念主体细胞表里微环境扣问;
- 医学气体畛域的翻新手艺与挨次扣问;
- 医学气体畛域翻新性的科知识题扣问;
- 环球数据库和分析用具及软件在医学气体扣问畛域诈欺的扣问。